Saxis Island In The News
Mariner publishes his ninth book
The detailed narrative of the rich history of Saxis Island and its people, Almost An Island, by Kirk Mariner, can be purchased at:

Miona Publications
P.O. Box 517
Onancock, VA 23417

$17.95 book
+ 0.90 tax
+ 2.50 postage

Make checks payable to Miona Publications

Or you can buy the book locally at the Book Bin at 4 Corner Plaza in Onley, VA.

Saxis News In The Past
Newspaper clippings from the Peninsula Enterprise at the turn of the 20th Century
Saxis News Today
Advertisements from the Peninsula Enterprise at the turn of the 20th Century
Newspaper clippings from around Virginia at the turn of the 20th Century
Funny Eastern Shore Names and How They Got That Way (includes Saxis) from the Peninsula Enterprise (date unknown)
Old Eastern Shore Schools (includes Saxis) from the Peninsula Enterprise (October 7, 1998)
Indians, John Smith Play Part in Saxis History from the Peninsula Enterprise (December 14, 1998)
Hurricane Sandy Aftermath
Newspaper clippings from around Virginia Over the Years
Barrier Islands Center film to air on WHRO - Shore Decoy Carvers