The Saxis Island Museum Board of Directors is reaching out to the community in hopes they will become a member of the Saxis Island Museum and help us preserve the history and culture of Saxis Island and the surrounding area.

If you haven't done so already, explore this website and learn more about what has been accomplished to date and view hundreds of pictures of Saxis Island and its people as well as hundreds of old newspaper articles from the turn of the century. Also visit us on facebook and share you thoughts with us.

Our Board of Directors include: M.K. Miles (Chairperson), Jim Matthews (Vice-Chairperson and Web Master), Donna Croushore (Secretary), , Jim Lewis (Curator), Hannah T. Glisson (Chaplain), Annette Martin, Hance Martin, Aubrey Justice, Barry Miles, Bill Bailey, Grayson Chesser, Tim Bailey, Carroll Lee Marshall, Lisa Byrd and Jenny Barker.
Incorporated in the State of Virginia as a Non-For Profit Organization
Approved as an IRS 501-c-3 tax exempt public charity
Approved By-Laws
Web Page and on facebook on-line
Established membership levels as shown on the membership form
Established a checking account with PNC Bank
Became a member of the Eastern Shore Museum Association and will be included in their newly revised brochure
Designed a seal as shown on the banner at the top of this page
Drafted a financial game plan (needs work)
Leased the left side of the Post Office building
Removed interior wall and old carpet and installed a window air conditioner
Built front window display
Installed sign and covered outside windows
Participated in a joint display with the WHF at the Pocomoke Discovery Center in October, November and December 2012
Resurfaced the floor and painted walls
Installed Tracking Lighting
Set up exhibits
Gand opening on November 7, 2013
Featured on WBOC News "Travels With Charlie"
• Much more needs to be done
A summary of our efforts to date includes the following
Membership Form (printable)